Eco Easy, LinkSkin & Tassels
In addition to doing an entirely line of vegan bags for women, London's Hyde SK by Sacha Knight features some fashionable unisex tassel-action. If you like the look of a belt-loop accessory (but don't want the disgusting, severed tail of a raccoon or fox hanging from your waist) or just an eccentric necklace, the vegan leather tassel could be your main squeeze.'s "10 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2010" includes, at number 6, Eco-easy.
Eco-easy picks up where their extensive report from last March on Eco-Bounty left off. Eco-easy is stealth mode for green. In other words, industry needs to get green in a way that the consumer may not even notice, and legislation needs to be passed making choosing the "right" thing - well, not exactly an option to avoid. For example, Mexico City recently followed San Francisco in restricting businesses from giving out any plastic bags that are not biodegradable. I'd call it eco-common-sense.
These reports are a must-read for anyone who runs a business with sustainability, ecology, and animal advocacy in mind.
Wild, Wild Horses. Today, thousands of Nevada's wild horses are being rounded up by the Bureau of Land Management unless there is a public outcry. Join IDA and contact the government to put a halt to this! Read the article, then Write a letter and call the White House:
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LinkSkin, one of the only eco eye-wear brands, has a call-to-action on their website about global warming and polar bear extinction. Their products are recycled, recyclable, RoHS compliant and approved by an independent eco-label. Their frames are made without screws, soldering, or hinges.